Jual Plat Ympress


Ympress is a high strength steel plate with excellent formability and weldability, produced by TMCP (Thermal Mechanical Control Process)

Chemical Composition

Guaranteed≤ 0.08≤ 1.90≤ 0.150.003≤ 0.05≤ 0.015≤ 0.09≤ 0.01≤ 0.15≤ 0.02
Typical CEV0.35

Typical Pcm0.16(Japanese welding society standard)


The low carbon equivalent of Ympress makes it readily weldable and permits the use of high welding speeds. There is no need for pre-or post-welding treatment.

Adjacent to the weld a narrow Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) with a slightly decreased hardness is produced, however, with standard welding techniques this has no practical significance.

Tensile tests taken transverse to the weld show the same tensile strength as the parent material.

Stress relieving should be done in temperature ranges of 980° - 1080° F. Heating above this range reduces strength and should be avoided.

Mechanical Properties

ThicknessReH in MPaRm in MPaA80 in %Adp5 in %
Typical2 - 3 mm82584013

4 - 8 mm800845

8 - 10 mm750825
≥ 690750 - 950≥ 12≥ 14
Bend0.5t for thickness ≤ 3mm
1t for thickness ≤ 6mm
1.5t for thickness > 6mm

Ympress combines high strength with excellent formability and weldability. It is used in applications such :

• Earth Moving Vehicles
• Large Cranes / Mobile Cranes
• Telescopic Booms

In these applications the high strength of steel is used to save weight and increase the load bearing capacity.