Stainless steel dapat dibedakan dari tampilan permukaan nya, secara visual ada yang tampak buram, ada yang permukaanya tidak rata seperti kulit jeruk namun ada juga yang mengkilap seperti cermin
Dibawah ini adalah jenis-jenis tampilan permukaan stainless steel setelah penyelesaian akhir (Surface Finishes) menggunakan standar ASTM A480:
Dibawah ini adalah jenis-jenis tampilan permukaan stainless steel setelah penyelesaian akhir (Surface Finishes) menggunakan standar ASTM A480:
- No. 0: Hot rolled, annealed, thicker plates
- No. 1: Hot rolled, annealed and passivated
- No. 2D: Cold rolled, annealed, pickled and passivated
- No. 2B: The general-purpose, cold rolled, smooth finish obtained as a result of a final light pass through polished rolls at the mill.
- No. 2BA: Bright annealed (BA or 2R) same as above then bright annealed under oxygen-free atmospheric condition
- No. 3: Coarse abrasive finish applied mechanically
- No. 4: Brushed finish
- No. 5: Satin finish
- No. 6: Matte finish (brushed but smoother than #4)
- No. 7: Reflective finish
- No. 8: Mirror finish
- No. 9: Bead blast finish
- No. 10: Heat colored finish-wide range of electropolished and heat colored surfaces
Finish No. 1
Permukaan kasar, pudar (dull), sesuai untuk aplikasi industri dimana umumnya mengunakan plat tebal. Jika digerenda (grinding), akan kelihatan tanda (bekas) gerenda pada permukaannya.
Finish No. 2D
Permukaaan sedikit kasar serupa dengan kulit jeruk, lebih unggul dari No.1 finish, sesuai untuk aplikasi industri.
Finish No. 2B
Permukaan halus dengan warna silver, lebih terang/kilau dari 2D dan semi-reflective (seperti cermin yang buram). Tipe ini merupakan yang paling umum digunakan.
Finish No. 2BA
Umumnya ditunjuk sebagai bright annealed (BA) finish. Tipe ini memiliki permukaan yang halus, mengkilap dan daya pantul menyerupai kaca (mirror). Digunakan untuk: alat-alat dapur, perlengkapan makan, peralatan pengolah makanan, alat kedokteran, komponen arsitektur, alat pancing dan lain-lain.
No. 4 Brushed Finish
Memiliki permukaan halus dengan garis-garis, tidak begitu memantulkan cahaya, sesuai untuk produk yang pemakaiannya cukup kasar seperti alat-alat dapur restoran, alat pengolah makanan, aksesories kamar kecil.
Finish Hairline (HL)
Tipe ini serupa dengan No 4 tapi memiliki garis yang lebih panjang (continuous long grain), sering digunakan pada lift/ elevator, panel tiang, dekorasi arsitektur. SS-304 HL cocok untuk alat-alat dapur (kitchen ware), peralatan medis.
Finish No. 7 Reflective
Memiliki permukaan dengan tingkat pantulan cahaya cukup tinggi.
Finish No. 8 Mirror
Memiliki permukaan daya kilap dengan tingkat pantulan cahaya yang tinggi, permukaan yang sempurna (bebas cacat) dan tampilan seperti cermin.
Finish No. 9 Bead Blast
Finish Bead Blast hasil akhir tampak bersih, konsisten, dan bebas goresan, sehingga sangat cocok untuk pencocokan panel-ke-panel. Dihasilkan oleh benturan media inert yang keras ke permukaan sehingga menghasilkan permukaan material seragam yang tidak terarah dengan pantulan satin lembut dan reflektifitas rendah.
Finish No. 10 Heat colored finish-wide
Proses elektrokimia yang diterapkan untuk menghilangkan puncak permukaan kasar logam, electropolishing mampu menghaluskan permukaan stainles steel sehingga memberikan tampilan lebih cerah.
Finishing baja tahan karat dengan cara tersebut menghasilkan hasil akhir yang tahan terhadap korosi, estetis, dan higienis. Lapisan permukaan baja tahan karat ini juga dapat tampak 'buram' pada beberapa jenis baja tahan karat.
Stainless Steel Finish Berapa Yang paling banyak Digunakan?
Jawabannya adalah stainless steel finish 2B. Hal ini umum terjadi pada aplikasi industri, kimia, dan pengolahan makanan seperti bejana proses dan tangki. Ini juga digunakan dalam beberapa aplikasi arsitektur yang tidak membutuhkan secara cermat untuk keseragaman hasil akhir seperti pipa bawah dan talang.
Cold rolled, Hot rolled & Special finishes
Cold rolled finishes | ||
Surface finishes | Finishing Process Route | Remark |
2B | Cold rolled, heat treated, pickled, skin passed | Most common 'cold rolled' finish available. Non-reflective, smooth finish, good flatness control. Thickness range limited by manufactures' skin passing rolling capacity. |
2C | Cold rolled, heat treated, not descaled | Smooth with scale from heat treatment, suitable for parts to be machined or descaled in subsequent production or where the parts are for heat resisting applications. |
2D | Cold rolled, heat treated, pickled | Thicker sheet size ranges. Smoothness not as good as 2B, but adequate for most purposes. |
2E | Cold rolled, heat treated, mechanically descaled | Rough and dull. Usually applied to steels with a scale which is very resistant to pickling solutions |
2H | Cold rolled, work hardened | "Temper" rolling on austenitic types improves mechanical strength. Smoothness similar to 2B |
2R | Cold rolled, bright annealed | Highly reflective "mirror" finish, very smooth. Often supplied with plastic coatings for pressings. Manufactured items usually put into service without further finishing |
2Q | Cold rolled, hardened and tempered, scale free | Only available on martensitic types (eg 420). Scaling avoided by protective atmosphere heat treatment or descaling after heat treatment |
Hot rolled finishes | ||
1C | Hot rolled, heat treated, not descaled | Surface covered with mill scale. Finished parts may be suitable for heat (oxidation) resisting applications as supplied, but should be descaled to optimise corrosion resistance |
1E | Hot rolled, heat treated, mechanically descaled | Free of mill scale by shot blasting or grinding. This finish can also limit the crevice corrosion resistance |
1D | Hot rolled, heat treated, pickled | Most common 'hot rolled' finish available. Most corrosion resistant hot rolled finish specified |
1U | Hot rolled, not heat treated, not descaled | Surface is left covered with rolling (mill) scale. Surface suitable for products intended for further working eg strip for re-rolling. |
Special finishes | ||
1G or 2G | Ground | Can be based on either '1' or '2' ex-mill finishes. A unidirectional texture, not very reflective |
1J or 2J | Brushed or dull polished | Can be based on either '1' or '2' ex-mill finishes Smoother than "G" with a unidirectional texture, not very reflective |
1K or 2K | Satin polished | Can be based on either '1' or '2' ex-mill finishes Smoothest of the special non-reflective finishes with corrosion resistance suitable for most external applications. |
1P or 2P | Bright polished | Can be based on either '1' or '2' ex-mill finishes Mechanically polished reflective finish. Can be a mirror finish. |
2F | Cold rolled, heat treated, skin passed on roughened rolls | Uniform non-reflective matt surface, can be based on either 2B or 2R mill finishes |
1M or 2M | Patterned | Can be based on either '1' or '2' ex-mill finishes. One side patterned only. Includes "chequer" plates ("1" ex-mill finish) & fine textures finishes ("2" ex-mill finish) |
2W | Corrugated | Profile rolled (eg trapezoidal or sinusoidal shapes) |
2L | Coloured | Applied to flat (2R, 2P or 2K type fishes) or patterned (2M) sheet base finishes in a range of colours |
1S or 2S | Surface coated | Can be based on either '1' or '2' ex-mill finishes . Normally coated on one side only with a metallic coating, such as tin, aluminium or titanium |
Perbandingan Finish ASTM Dengan BS1449
No | Description | BS1449-2 | ASTM A480 |
1D | Hot rolled, heat treated, pickled | 1 | 1 |
2B | Cold rolled, heat treated, pickled, skin passed | 2B | 2B |
2D | Cold rolled, heat treated, pickled | 2D | 2D |
2R | Cold rolled, bright annealed | 2A | BA |
2G | Cold rolled, ground | 3A | No.3 |
2J | Cold rolled, brushed or dull polished | 3B (or 4) | No.4 |
2K | Cold rolled, satin polished | 5 | No.6 |
2P | Cold rolled, bright polished | 8 | No.8 |
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