• Hardox, Bisalloy, Creusabro, XAR, Quard Sumihard, Fora, Raex,JFE Everhard
  • Plat Boiler,A283Gr.C,SS400,Plat Kapal,A36,BKI,SM490,S355J
  • 3Cr12,210,304/304L,AISI 310,316/316L,403, 410,430,Durinox
  • AISI 1045,AISI 4140,AISI 4340,SCM415,SCM435,SCM440,DIN 42CrMo4,DIN 34NiCrMo6,
  • S45C,S50C,VCL140,VCN150,ASSAB,Bohler, Thyssenkrupp
  • SKD11, SKD61, SKS3, SKT4, HSS, Tungsteen Carbide
  • H-Beam,I-Beam,WF Beam,UNP,C-Channel,Besi Siku,King Cross, T-Section
  • Toko Besi,Jual Besi Baja,harga Plat dan RounBar
  • Abrasion/ Wear Resistant Plate

    Hardox, Bisalloy, Creusabro, XAR, Quard Sumihard, Fora, Raex,JFE Everhard

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Jual 17-4 PH/ AISI630 Stainles Steel

Product  : 17-4PH Stainless Steel
Kategori : Martensitic Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steel
Standard: AFNOR
Grades   : 17-4PH


ASTM A693 grade 630, AISI 630, AMS 5604B, UNS S17400, EURONORM 1.4542, X5CrNiCuNb 16-4, AFNOR Z5 CNU 17-4PH, DIN 1.4542, JIS SUS630, SAE AMS 5643, SAE AMS 5604, NACE MR01-75, ISO 15156, PED 97/23/CE, API 6A PSL4 (UT), ASTM A388 (UT), EN10088-3


Stainless 17-4 PH adalah baja tahan karat martensitik pengerasan presipitasi dengan penambahan tembaga (Cu) dan Nb / Cb. Grade ini menggabungkan kekuatan tinggi, kekerasan (hingga 300 ° C / 572 ° F) dan ketahanan korosi. 

Stainless 17-4 PH memiliki karakteristik fabrikasi yang baik dan dapat mengeras karena usia. Kualitas machinability terbaik ada pada solusi P 800 (H1150M) dan P930 (H 1150). 

Stainless 17-4 PH tidak boleh digunakan pada suhu di atas 300 °C (572 °F) atau pada suhu yang sangat rendah. Ini memiliki ketahanan yang memadai terhadap korosi atmosfer atau dalam asam atau garam encer di mana ketahanan korosinya setara dengan kelas 304 atau 430. 

Stainless 17-4 PH tahan terhadap serangan korosif lebih baik daripada baja tahan karat seri 400 yang mana pun, dan dalam sebagian besar aplikasi, ketahanan korosinya mendekati ketahanan korosi jenis stainless 303 dan 304.

Precipitation Hardening
Pengerasan presipitasi (precipitation hardening) adalah pengerasan paduan logam dengan pembentukan presipitasi/endapan/menggumpal melalui penyebaran partikel-partikel dari fasa kedua kedalam matrik fasa yang asli/pertama. Hal ini dilakukan dengan perlakuan panas yang tepat. Pengerasan presipitasi sering juga disebut “age hardening” (pengerasan penuaan) karena proses pengerasan terjadi seiring dengan proses waktu



Chemical Composition (%)

 C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Cu Nb Mo
 0.04 Max 0.40 Max  0.80 Max 0.040 Max  0.030 Max 15.00-17.50 3.00-5.00 3.00-5.00 0.15-0.45  0.50 Max 
PREN (%Cr+3.3%Mo+16%N) ≥17

Mechanical Properties

Heat treatment YS 0.2%
YS 0.2%
Min. Typ. Min. Typ. Min. Typ. Min. Typ. Min. Typ.
A 1070 1207 1170 1310 155 175 170 190 8 14
B 790 931 965 1034 115 135 140 150 10 17

A: hardening 496°C (925°F) - 4 hours - air cooling
B: hardening 593°C (1100°F) - 4 hours - air cooling
2 examples of heat treatments that may be applied.
Tensile strength at delivery form approx 800-110 N/mm2
Very high yield strength up to 1100-1300 MPa (160-190 ksi) can be achieved.

Elevated temperature properties
Minimum guaranteed values following EN 10088 hot rolled plates.
The EN guaranteed values are valid for a thickness from 3/16" up to 3".

   Temperature °C
   Temperature °F
YS 0.2%N/mm_730710690670650

Heat treatment : hardening 590°C (1094°F) - 4 hours - air cooling.
1 example of heat treatments that may be applied

Impact Values

Minimum guaranteed values following ASTM A693 hot rolled plates.
The ASTM guaranteed values are valid for a thickness from 3/16" up to 3".
Heat treatmentKV transverse
Hardening 593°C (1100°F) - 4 hours - air cooling 20 15


Minimum guaranteed values following ASTM A693 hot rolled plates.
The ASTM guaranteed values are valid for a thickness from 3/16" up to 3".
Heat treatment Hardness
Rockwell Brinell
Hardening 496°C (925°F) - 4 hours - air cooling C38 375
Hardening 593°C (1100°F) - 4 hours - air cooling C29 293

Corrosion Resistance

Stainless 17-4 PH withstands corrosive attacks better than any of the standard hardenable stainless steels and is comparable to type 304 in most media.

If there are potential risks of stress corrosion cracking, the higher aging temperatures then must be selected over 550°C (1022°F), preferably 590°C (1094°F). 550°C-1022°F is the optimum tempering temperature in chloride media.

590°C-1094°F is the optimum tempering temperature in H2S media.

17-4 PH is subject to crevice or pitting attack if exposed to stagnant seawater for any length of time.

It is corrosion resistant in some chemical, petroleum, paper, dairy and food processing industries (equivalent to 304L grade).

Physical Properties

Have been obtained after hardening 480°C (896°F) – 1 hour - air cooling.
°C °F Thermal
0-100 10.8 20 68 14 197
0-200 11 100 212 16 193
0-300 11.3 200 392 18.5 186
0-400 11.6 300 572 20 180
0-500 12 400 752 22 175
500 932 23 170

Properties (Room temp)
Resistivity (µ_.cm) 80
Specific heat (J.kg-1.K-1) 460
Tension modulus (GPa) 77
Density kg/m3 (.28 lbs/in3) 7800

Heat Treatment
Hardening condition P800 or P930 has to be solution annealed before hardening Max obtainable hardness 44 HRC (for more details please turn over)
Martensitic transformation
Indicative values
Ms : 130°C (266°F)
Mf : 30°C (86°F)
Solution annealing
1050°C +/-25°C (1925°F+ /-50°F) – 30 min up to 1 hour.
air cooling / oil quenching below 25°C (76°F)

The highest mechanical properties are obtained with the following heat treatment: 480°C (896°F) – 1 hour – air cooling.
Higher ductilities are obtained when using higher aging temperatures up to 620°C (1148°F).


Offshore (foils, helicopter deck platforms, etc.)
Food industry
Pulp and paper industry.
Aerospace (turbine blades, etc.)
Mechanical components
Nuclear waste barrel
Parts used in Chemical process
Parts used in Mechanical process
Aircraft & gas turbines
Paper mills & oil fields

"The effect of microstructural evolution on hardening behavior of type 17-4PH stainless steel in long-term aging at 350 °C" Jun Wanga, b, Hong Zoub, Cong Lib, Shao-yu Qiub, Bao-luo Shena
a School of Materials Science and Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610065, PR China
b Nuclear Power Institute of China, Chengdu, 610041, PR China

"Improving the mechanical properties of 17-4PH stainless steel by low temperature plasma surface treatment" M.F. Yan *, R.L. Liu, D.L. Wu
* School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, PR China


Related Steel:

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